Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Donald Trump May Think Madonna Is ‘Disgusting’ Now, But He Didn’t When He Posed As His Own Publicist See What He Said THEN!

He criticized Madonna’s speech during the Women’s March this past Saturday, saying:

“Honestly, she’s disgusting. I think she hurt herself very badly. I think she hurt the whole cause. I thought her, and a couple of others. But I thought she was in particularI thought what she said was disgraceful to our country.”

Never mind that everything Drumpf does is a literal disgrace to our country, he was referring to Madonna’s “blowing up the White House” comments that she has since apologized for. But there was a time when Trump was all up in Madge’s business, desperate to get a date with her.

When he was rebuffed, he posed as his own publicist “John Miller” to pretend the whole thing had never happened. Sad!

In the audio of the conversation between “John Miller” and People‘s Sue Carswell, obtained by The Washington Post in May 2016, “Miller” attempts to refute rumors of his pursuit of the pop star, saying:

“Madonna was in the room, and so somebody from Madonna’s entourage, because she comes in with an entourage of dancers and everything else, and somebody from Madonna’s entourage came over and said, Would you go over and say hello to Madonna?’ And so [Trump] went over and said hello to Madonna and he gave his autograph to the dancers. She said, These are fans’ and all this. Will you give them the autograph?’ So he said, Best wishes’ or something. And then all of a suddenand that was the end. And then he said goodbye to her and that was literally the end. He’s got zero interest in Madonna. It was literally the end.”

Doesn’t it seem like he doth protest too much???

“Miller” continued:

“And the next day in the newspapers, they had a story that he wanted to go out with her and everything else. Well, she called and wanted to go out with him, that I can tell you.”

Riiiiight. We’re sure that’s exactly what happened.

And you know what? We might have believed the guy if the evidence of his humongonormous ego wasn’t such common knowledge.

There’s no way Mr. Pumpkinhead would take getting rejected lightly. It’s just like him to pretend that he’s the one who did the rejecting. LOSER!!!

[Image via WENN.]

Read more: http://perezhilton.com/

The post Donald Trump May Think Madonna Is ‘Disgusting’ Now, But He Didn’t When He Posed As His Own Publicist See What He Said THEN! appeared first on CelebrityVirals.com.

source http://www.celebrityvirals.com/donald-trump-may-think-madonna-is-disgusting-now-but-he-didnt-when-he-posed-as-his-own-publicist-see-what-he-said-then-4/

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