Monday 31 July 2017

Rihanna’s Stalker Is Back On The Streets And He Refuses To Stop Pursuing Her! Scary!

Ugh this is so scary!!

Salmir Feratovic pled guilty to criminal trespass earlier this week after he was arrested on Tuesday at Rihanna’s place in New York, and while prosecutors wanted him locked up for five days, the judge decided to give him credit for time served — meaning he was back on the streets on Wednesday afternoon!

Now, the whack-job is telling TMZ that this will NOT stop his pursuit of Rihanna!

And past history indicates that maybe he means what he says: he showed up at her place twice back in 2016, and after the second time, he was arrested.

He was carrying a knife that second time, too — horrifying!!

Let’s just hope that security gets beefed up around Rihanna, and that this guy gets whatever mental health counseling he so desperately needs.

[Image via Patricia Schlein/WENN.]

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