Sunday 30 July 2017

Justin Bieber Randomly Cancelled His Tour And We Think We Know Why

Yesterday, 16-year-old girls everywhere got some upsetting news when Justin Bieber announced hes canceling the rest of his world tour. The 14 canceled dates were in North America and Asia, which means he officially has two continents pissed off at him. This, coupled with the fact that he was literally just banned from Beijing for “bad behavior” means that this summer might even be worse for Justin than all the ones where he was feuding with Selena Gomez on Insta or running around Boston without shoes. Actually, come to think of it, has Justin Bieber ever had like, a summer? Sad. According to Justin’s people (he has “people” not “friends”) the dates were axed due to unforeseen circumstances, so naturally its up to us to brainstorm why Justin did it. Given our extensive research into fuckboys and fuckboy culture, and given that Justin is obviously the king of all fuckboys, we think we’re more than qualified to make shit up make an educated guess as to why the Biebs isn’t continuing his tour. Here’s what we think: 

1. Hes Tired

Justins ‘Purpose’ World Tour has lasted 150 dates and has been going strong since March of last year. Like, his tour is way longer than most of our meaningful relationships. Hes been to every continent, and hes probably just fucking tired. We get tired walking from our bed to the fridge, so we can very much relate. Just take a nice long nap, Justin.

2. He Got Cyberbullied

Justin is a sensitive guy, and maybe he got his feelings hurt by something someone said about him online. Like, how is he supposed to do a show in Denver if someone said Colorado hates him on Twitter? Singapore is probably a really tough crowd, so we totally understand.

3. Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is one of the best excuses to get out of basically anything. Even if youre totally fine, just tell everyone you ate some bad sushi, and youll easily get out of your commitments for the next 2-3 months. Japan will understand, they literally eat nothing but sushi.

4. Hes Learning Spanish

Justin was probably embarrassed about not knowing the words to his gigantic summer jam “Despacito”, so he must be learning Spanish before he goes back out on the road. He has to sing like two dozen whole words, so maybe he just doesnt feel confident in his abilities yet. No hay problema, amigo!

5. Some Girl

We dont know who Justin is dating sleeping with right now, but no doubt shes some gorgeous Instagram model with no hint of a personality. Either way, she might have Justin hypnotized into never wanting to leave her. Seriously, Hailey Baldwin isnt that hot.

6. Hes Dead

Justin posted a message about the cancellation on his social media, but theres technically no proof its him. Maybe he died in a freak jet-ski accident and Scooter Braun is just trying to keep it a secret as long as possible? Just give them long enough to create a realistic hologram, then hell be back on tour in no time.

7. Bad Horoscope

Justin seems like the kind of guy who might be really into astrology, so maybe he just didnt like whats in the stars for him this month. Its not like there are millions of dollars on the line here, so its a totally acceptable reason. I mean, when Mercury is in retrograde we basically dont leave our house, so we feel.

8. Mafia Kidnapping

Maybe Justin cant perform because hes been kidnapped by the Russian mafia? If we get a Russian remix of “Despacito” within the next month, well know hes really in trouble.

Um so yeah we basically have no fucking clue. Sorry The Philippines, maybe next time! Justin, get your shit together, the people of Asia need you.

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